The first step we call the Steam Guardian. You will become a Steam Guardian after engaging in a participatory steam experience and taking our foundational course. Steam Guardians are able to maintain the HeartFelt, safely run a simple communal steam session, and provide a basic guided steam experience for guests. Steam Guardians have baseline knowledge of steam, heat, session structure, herbs, and veniki (branches).
The second level is the Steam Guide. A Certified Steam Guide can conduct a personal treatment session with steam, veniki, and water, and/or run a range of communal steam sessions. To certify for individual work, one must complete a 40-hour Steam Guide Proficiency Program, pass the exam, and record twenty hours of individual practice. If one wants to work with groups, they must also complete the Steam Guide Communal Program, which includes group protocols.
Finally, the Steam Master has a proven ability to work with both individual guests and groups, and has mastered the application of steam, plants, and bodywork. This is the culmination of a long but rewarding journey.
For each level of proficiency, we offer additional programs: Introduction to Participatory Steam, Communal Steam, Herbs and Plants in Steam, and many more. Please contact us to learn more!